Before I reveal this treasure, let me first tell you that I am not normally the vintage type. I typically prefer a more contemporary style. However, Mama Overdressed & Overeducated made the journey from Virginia to Indy this weekend to spend some much-needed mother-daughter time together, and she requested a trip to the IAVM, so I happily complied. Not to mention, my two lovely friends, Liz and Laura, were hosting booths there, and I relish any excuse to see their smiling faces. So, purses and umbrellas (foreshadowing alert) in tow, Mama O&O and I set out this drizzly morning to explore some vintage attractions.
My first fun find was a pair of sailboat cuff links for the husband. Mr. O&O had recently mentioned both a desire to pick up sailing and a need for more cuff links. Coincidence? I think not. And mind you, I bargained these bad boys down to a whopping $5. Done and done. However, this was nothing compared to what Mama O&O stumbled upon for me next.
Ever heard of an umbrella purse? Well, they exist, and they are nothing short of darling. This adorable bag is waterproof, matches my Kate Spade wallet to a tee, and oh yeah, it has an umbrella slot, for events JUST LIKE THIS ONE – rainy, outdoor, shopping events, that is. And any other event that may require an umbrella. Or a cute purse. Or both. Especially both.
And just as a bonus, I also picked up a jumbo strand of faux pearls for $4, a Jackie O pillbox hat for $5, and a 50’s pink polka dot dress for $10 at this amazing vintage mart.
- Vintage marketplaces have more than just home décor; they have clothes and accessories too.
- If you put time and effort into it, you can find some great stylish vintage fashion accessories.
- Vintage marketplaces have said accessories for great prices, which are all up for negotiation.
Have I mentioned I’m a vintage sale convert?